
Short Films

DCA - Short Changed

 This is my final project from the Digital Character Animation program at VFS. The program is six months in which we had to learn maya (some of us - myself included - for the first time), model all assets for our film and learn about rigging for our character in the first two terms. The last term, which is roughly the last two months was spent on layout, animation, and finally rendering.

Classical Animation - Something Fishy

 This short is my final project from the classical animation program at VFS. It took roughly five months from storyboards and designs to the finished product.

Something Fishy from Christopher Savage on Vimeo.

Flash Animation - A Heap of Trubble

 This short is the product of my first lessons in flash animation. We had roughly a month at the end of our classical program to learn how to animate in flash and create a short film.

A Heap of Trubble from Christopher Savage on Vimeo.


Acting Assignment:
This is my first acting assignment in the Digital Character Animation program.

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